96 Kuli Maratha Marriage

About the brand:
96 Kuli Maratha Marriage is a Leading and most trusted Maratha Matrimony site. 96 Kuli Maratha Marriage helps you in choosing the right partner for marriage. On 96 Kuli Maratha Marriage Find Grooms and Brides from India.
Services Used:
- Branding & Identity
- Website Design
- UI & UX
- Strategy
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Optimization
- Lead Generation and Sales
Objective :
- Organic Traffic Enhancement
- Registration of Brides and Grooms
- Purchase Plans of 96 Kuli Maratha Marriage
Strategy :
- Created a plan to target related search terms.
- Understood the target market for shared workspace
- Implemented an SEO strategy to generate visitors to the website
- Social media platforms used for brand awareness and engagement
Increased traffic to client’s website by 591%